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Why do I keep getting "Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side." error?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
This is my code:
function simulate_sscf()
% Set initial conditions and reaction time
initial_conditions = [30; 0; 0; 7.5; 3; 0]; % initial concentrations of cellulose, cellobiose, glucose, xylose, biomass and ethanol
tspan = [0 36]; % duration of simulation
[t, concentrations] = ode45(@rate_equation, tspan, initial_conditions);
% Plot the Results
plot(t, concentrations)
xlabel('Time (hr)')
ylabel('Concentration (g/L)')
legend('Cellulose','Cellobiose','Glucose','Xylose','Biomass', 'Ethanol');
function dxdt = rate_equation(~,x)
global k1r E1B Rs S0 K1IG K1IG2 G XY K1IX k2r E2B K2IG2 K2IG K2IX k3r E2F K3M K3IG K3IX K1ad E1TZ E1max K2ad E2TZ E2max
C = x(1); % Cellulose concentration
G2 = x(2); % Cellobiose concentration
SG = x(3); % Glucose concentration
SX = x(4); % Xylose concentration
X = x(5); % Biomass concentration
P = x(6); % Product concentration
% Define constants for Saccharification
% Substrate reactivity is an assumption based on Figure 2 of ref.paper
Rs=1.987; % where C0 is the initial concentration of cellulose
E1F=1/2*(-1/K1ad + E1TZ-E1max*C + sqrt((-1/K1ad + E1TZ - E1max*C)^2 + 4*E1TZ/K1ad));
E2F=1/2*(-1/K2ad + E2TZ - E2max*C + sqrt((-1/K2ad + E2TZ - E2max*C)^2 + 4*E2TZ/K2ad));
% Define constants for glucose fermentation
mu_mG = 0.662; % Maximum specific growth rate in glucose fermentation
KsG = 0.565; % Monod constant, for growth on glucose
KiG = 283.7; % Inhibition constant, for growth on glucose
betaG = 1.29; % constants in product inhibition model in glucose fermentation
PmG = 95.4; % Ethanol concentration above which cells don't grow in glucose
vmG = 2.005; % Maximum specific rate of glucose formation
Ks2G = 1.342; % Monod constant, for product formation from glucose
Ki2G = 4890; % Inhibition constant, for product formation from glucose
gammaG = 1.42; % Maximum specific rate of glucose formation
Pm2G = 103; % Ethanol concentration above which cells do not produce ethanol in glucose fermentation
YEtG_G = 0.470; % product yield constant (g-ethanol/g-glucose)
YXG_G = 0.115; % cell yield constant from glucose (g-cells/g-substrate)
mG = 0.097; % maintenance coefficient in glucose fermentation
% Define constants for xylose fermentation
mu_mX = 0.190; % Maximum specific growth rate in xylose fermentation
KsX = 3.4; % Monod constant, for growth on xylose
KiX = 18.1; % Inhibition constant, for growth on xylose
betaX = 1.036; % constant in product inhibition model in xylose fermentation
PmX = 59.04; % Ethanol concentration above which cells don't grow in xylose
vmX = 0.250; % Maximum specific rate of xylose formation
Ks2X = 3.4; % Monod constant, for product formation from glucose
Ki2X = 81.3; % Inhibition constant, for product formation from glucose
gammaX = 0.608; % Maximum specific rate of glucose formation
Pm2X = 60.2; % Ethanol concentration above which cells do not produce ethanol in glucose fermentation
YEtX_X = 0.400; % product yield constant (g-ethanol/g-xylose)
YXX_X = 0.162; % cell yield constant from xylose (g-cells/g-substrate)
mX = 0.067; % maintenance coefficient in xylose fermentation
n = 0.5; % weighting factor for glucose consumption
% Define rates of reaction
% cellulose to cellobiose
% cellulose to glucose
% cellobiose to glucose
% Biomass Production from Glucose
mu_G = mu_mG * (SG / (KsG + SG + (SG^2/KiG))) * (1 - (P/PmG)^betaG);
% Biomass Production from Xylose
mu_X = mu_mX * (SX / (KsX + SX + (SX^2/KiX))) * (1 - (P/PmX)^betaX);
% Total Biomass Production from Both
mu_T = n*mu_G + (1-n)*mu_X;
% Ethanol Formation from Glucose
vG = vmG * (SG / (Ks2G + SG + (SG^2/Ki2G))) * (1 - (P/Pm2G)^gammaG);
% Ethanol Formation from Xylose
vX = vmX * (SX / (Ks2X + SX + (SX^2/Ki2X))) * (1 - (P/Pm2X)^gammaX);
% Total Ethanol Formation from both
vT = vG + vX;
% Define rate equations
dCdt = -r(1)-r(2); % Rate of change of cellulose
dG2dt = 1.056*r(1)-r(3); % Rate of change of cellobiose
dXdt = mu_T * X; % Rate of change of biomass
dPdt = vT * X; % Rate of change of product
dSGdt = 1.111*r(2)+1.053*r(3)-(1/YEtG_G) * vG * X; % Rate of change of glucose in SSCF
dSXdt = -(1/YEtX_X) * vX * X; % Rate of change of xylose in SSCF
dxdt = [dCdt; dG2dt; dSGdt; dSXdt; dXdt; dPdt];
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Risposte (1)

Sai Teja G
Sai Teja G il 8 Feb 2024
Hi Debbie,
The error message "Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side" suggests that there's a discrepancy in the array or matrix dimensions that you're attempting to equate.
It appears that in the lines where you're calculating `r(1)`, `r(2)`, and `r(3)`, the expected output should be scalar values. However, it seems that the variables `E1B`, `E2F`, and `E2B` are not scalar values as they should be. Instead, they are currently empty arrays, denoted by `[]`, which is causing the error.
Could you please review your code to ensure that `E1B`, `E2B`, and `E2F` are being correctly calculated as scalar values? Once you make the necessary adjustments to these variables, the error should be resolved.
Hope it helps!


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