Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How to find Laplace of the second order nonlinear time delayed term?

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  10 Commenti
Paul il 29 Mag 2024
Modificato: Paul il 30 Mag 2024
We might be talking about two different things, I'm not sure. Also, I mistakenly used the word "union," which further confused things. To clarify ....
We have f(t) with Laplace transform F(s) with ROC Re(s) > a_f (assuming f(t) is causal)
We have g(t) with Laplace transform G(s) with ROC Re(s) > a_g (assuming g(t) is causal).
h(t) = f(t)g(t) has Laplace transform H(s) with ROC Re(s) > a_f + a_g, which is the union of the ROCs of F(s) and G(s)
In computing the integral
syms H(s) F(s) G(s) sigma c T
H(s) = int(F(sigma)*G(s-sigma),sigma,c-1j*inf,c+1j*inf,'Hold',true)/2/sym(pi)/1j
H(s) = 
the only requirement on c is that the vertical line defined by c has to lie within the ROC of F(s). But apparently it doesn't have to also lie within the ROC of G(s) according to the tables in the Wikipedia links (and one of my bookshelf text books).
Let's modify the example to try this.
syms t real
f(t) = exp(-4*t); F(s) = laplace(f(t)); % ROC: Re(s) > -4
g(t) = exp(-2*t); G(s) = laplace(g(t)); % ROC: Re(s) > -2
H(s) = int(F(sigma)*G(s-sigma),sigma,c-1j*inf,c+1j*inf,'Hold',true)/2/sym(pi)/1j
H(s) = 
H(s) = subs(H(s),c,-3) % value of c so that the integration is in ROC of F(s) but not G(s)
H(s) = 
H(s) = release(H(s))
H(s) = 
assume(real(s) > -6); % ROC of H(s)
H(s) = simplify(H(s))
H(s) = 
Verify as above
sval = [-4, -3, -2+1j, 0, 1-1j];
[double(H(sval)); 1./(sval + 6)]
ans =
0.5000 + 0.0000i 0.3333 + 0.0000i 0.2353 - 0.0588i 0.1667 + 0.0000i 0.1400 + 0.0200i 0.5000 + 0.0000i 0.3333 + 0.0000i 0.2353 - 0.0588i 0.1667 + 0.0000i 0.1400 + 0.0200i
So, in this case, the vertical line is in the ROC of F(s), but it's not in the ROC of G(s), which is what I was surprised about, i.e., the line of integration doesn't have to lie in the intersection of the ROCs of F(s) and G(s). But it is in the ROC of H(s), which is the union of the ROCs of F(s) and G(s).
Interestingly, this use of simplify yields an incorrect result
ans = 
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson il 31 Mag 2024
Modificato: David Goodmanson il 31 Mag 2024
Hi Paul, when you said you made a mistake when you said 'union, I think also I made a mistake when I also said 'union'. Your mention of ROCs helped quite a bit. Assume we are headed toward the convolution integral
H(s) = (1/2pi i) Int{C-i*inf, C+i*inf} F(r)G(s-r) dr
where C = Re(r) on a vertical path of integration
Suppose a,b real, since making them complex does not really change anything.and
f(t) = exp(-a*t); F(r) = 1/(a+r) % ROC: Re(a+r) > 0 --> -a < Re(r)
g(t) = exp(-b*t); G(s-r) = 1/(b+s-r) % ROC: Re(b+s-r) > 0 --> Re(r) < Re(s)+b
the total requirement is
-a < Re(r) < Re(s)+b (1)
which puts Re(r) into the intersection of the two ROCs. And
-a < Re(r) < Re(s)+b --> -a < Re(s)+b --> -(a+b) < Re(s)
which is the ROC for
h(t) = exp(-(a+b)*t); H(s) = 1/(a+b+s) % ROC: Re(a+b+s) > 0 --> -(a+b) < Re(s)
Note that the path of integration C = Re(r) in the r plane of
F(r) G(s-r) = 1/((a+r)(b+s-r))
has to run in between the pole at -a and the pole at (b+s) as in (1) in order to get a nonzero reult.

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