Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Index exceeds the number of array elements

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Tugce il 30 Lug 2024
Modificato: Torsten il 30 Lug 2024
I got the error written below.
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 2.
CHG_step = CHG_step(1:Inputs_RCC.CyclesxcRate); % Based on how many cycles x C-rate
Line 73 is written in bold black.
Tolerance_D = abs(Files.PreProcessedData{idx}.Current_A - Rated_Cap*Inputs_RCC.cRate_DCH) < AcceptedErrorCurrent;
RCC_Step_CHG = {}; % Find the unique steps for the Discharge rates
for i = 1:size(Inputs_RCC.cRates_CHG,1)
Tolerance_C = abs(Files.PreProcessedData{idx}.Current_A - Rated_Cap*cell2mat(Inputs_RCC.cRates_CHG(i))) < AcceptedErrorCurrent;
% Record the unique step if it's CC step, charge and the C-Rate is the one from the pulses
if i == 1
CHG_step = Files.PreProcessedData{idx}.FlagUniqueStep(Tolerance_C & contains(Files.PreProcessedData{idx}.Mode, "C_CC"));
CHG_step = unique(CHG_step);
CHG_step = CHG_step(CHG_step > Cap_Check_Steps(end)); % Take the steps after the cap check not to repeat them
CHG_step = CHG_step(1:Inputs_RCC.CyclesxcRate); % Based on how many cycles x C-rate
RCC_Step_CHG = [RCC_Step_CHG; num2cell(CHG_step)];
This is for test protocol of battery. So, the protocol is shown below:
"CHG step (Charge step), C-rates are C/, C/3, C/2, 1C and 2C."
Charge Steps 3 cycles at each C-rate
C/5 with C/20 cut-off
C/3 with C/20 cut-off
C/2 with C/20 cut-off
1C with C/20 cut-off
with C/20 cut-off"
Can someone please help me?

Risposte (1)

Torsten il 30 Lug 2024
Spostato: Torsten il 30 Lug 2024
My guess is that when you reach this line of your code
CHG_step = CHG_step(1:Inputs_RCC.CyclesxcRate); % Based on how many cycles x C-rate
CHG_step is an array of size (1x2). But the variable "Inputs_RCC.CyclesxcRate" is greater than 2. So you try to access elements of CHG_step that don't exist.
  2 Commenti
Tugce il 30 Lug 2024
Thank you. Yes, you're right, but how can I fix or change it?
Torsten il 30 Lug 2024
Modificato: Torsten il 30 Lug 2024
Since you are the only person who knows what's going on in your code, you are also the only person who can find a proper solution for this array access error.

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