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Attempt to execute SCRIPT mapping as a function

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
hiva il 5 Apr 2016
Risposto: hiva il 5 Apr 2016
hie. i have a code which is fusing different classifiers in order to classify the data. this code is using prtools and i have got a mapping.m file in my prtools mapping folder. when i run the code i get this error: "Attempt to execute SCRIPT mapping as a function". the problem is that the code seems to apply this mapping.m as a function while it is really not. when i try : which -all mapping it returns me the path of the mapping file in prtools.(i also have a mapping.p file in this folder). when i open this mapping.m file in prtools, it is an all commented file explaining about Mapping class constructor. i really have no idea what to do with its instructions and why my fusion code is considering this file as a function. i attach my code, my train and test datasets and the mapping.m file. u need to have the prtools included in your matlab toolboxes to run this code.any idea will worth a lot to me since i really need to get this code run.

Risposte (1)

hiva il 5 Apr 2016
i figured it out! the error was all about setting a path to prtools folder for matlab.


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