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What function to plot lat, lon and a variable on a topographic map?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
My variables are latitude, longitude and land surface temperature and are set up as 1200 x 1200 tables. I would like to plot the land surface temperature that correspond with the latitude and longitude values for the Northeastern U.S. area.
When I load topo and run my code:
plot(geoshow(lat, lon, final_lst_day))
I receive the error:
Error using plot
Not enough input arguments.
When I do not load topo, the plot will actually run but comes out blank because I did not load any topographic data to plot it on.
Is geoshow the appropriate function to run? I have tried meshgrid but also am getting an error.
Thank you for the help!

Risposte (1)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene il 9 Mag 2016
There's no need to call plot if you're using geoshow. Initialize a map with worldmap then plot the data with geoshow.
  2 Commenti
goyanks1989 il 10 Mag 2016
do you have any other suggestions besides worldmap? I do not have the mapping tool installed with my version of Matlab.
Thank you!
Chad Greene
Chad Greene il 10 Mag 2016
If you don't have the Mapping Toolbox, you can't use geoshow either. But you can do
axis xy image
hold on
if you download my borders function.

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