Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Importing from multiple folders

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
sam moor
sam moor il 16 Mag 2016
Modificato: sam moor il 18 Mag 2016
I want to import multiple folders
  1 Commento
Jan il 16 Mag 2016
Modificato: Jan il 16 Mag 2016
The screenshot are not useful inm the forum. Better post text.
Better ask one question per thread.

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Risposte (1)

Jan il 16 Mag 2016
BasePath = 'E:\model';
FileName = 'driftstories.out';
SubList = dir(fullfile(BasePath, 'rk*'));
Data = cell(1, length(SubList));
for iFolder = 1:length(SubList)
File = fullfile(BasePath, SubList(iFolder).name, FileName);
Data{iFolder} = IMPORT(File);
Now replace the IMPORT command by a matching code to import the data. The posted screenshot does not allow to guess this part. And the plotting part cannot be provided based on the given details also.

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