Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

how do we get last two number from the string?

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
sam moor
sam moor il 18 Mag 2016
Modificato: sam moor il 19 Mag 2016
I have a struct as 'r_m3_1.00','r_m3_1.05'....which i created using fullfile command for the folders. Now I want to get only last 4 digit of each folder name (i.e 1.00, 1.05....) in a struct and store in a new matrix form. How do I get only last 4 digit of each folder of the struct below?

Risposte (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 18 Mag 2016
last4 = cellfun(@(S) S(end-3:end), {}, 'Uniform', 0);
  2 Commenti
sam moor
sam moor il 18 Mag 2016
what does this S represent?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 19 Mag 2016
Same thing as it would mean in the below:
last4 = cellfun(@last4char, {}, 'Uniform', 0);
function r = last4char(S)
R = S(end-3:end);

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