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The Can transmit block significantly slows down a simulation with a kvaser CAN usb.

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
When using a CAN transmit block and a kvaser leaf light v2 CAN to USB adapter to send CAN messages every 0.01 seconds or faster in simulink after about 10 seconds the simulation slows down to a crawl. The first 10 seconds of the simulation time runs quickly in under 2 seconds real time but afterwards the simualtion slows down dramatically.
It takes over 20 minuets to finish the last 10 seconds of a 20 seconds simulink simulation! This problem does not occur when using a PEAK-Systems PCAN USB adapter instead of the kvaser.
If I send CAN messages at a slower rate then eg. every 40 milliseconds using the kvaser USB CAN adapter then the simulation slows down but only after 15 seconds of simulation time.
Its probably something to do with the kvaser Matlab driver.
Does anyone working for Mathworks actually read these issues?

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