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How to overcome the loop problem in 'if-else' action subsystem

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello everyone, I am new to Simulink and have realized that constructing a logic using blocks isn't similar to writing a program. The problem that I am facing is very well defined in the snapshot attached to this question. Inside a program we use variables to store the computed data but I couldn't find a Simulink block for the same which is why I simply connected it in a way shown in the snapshot. Please help me get through this problem. Thanks, Akash.
  1 Commento
Swarooph il 4 Nov 2016
Explain what it is that you are trying to do using pseudo code or algorithm. I have a feeling you can implement this way easier using a Switch block or some block from the Logic and Bit Operations library instead of If-else subsystems which are meant for other advanced use cases.

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