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Convert Unicode Characters to PNG or JPG

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Naseer Khan
Naseer Khan il 21 Nov 2016
Chiuso: John D'Errico il 21 Nov 2016
I have urdu unicode data like in text files. Following is just a sample from that
urduData='انداز میں صحافیوں کو بتایا کہ ہماری ملاقات اچھی رہی '
Now what I want to do is that I need to read each unicode ligature(there are more than 16000 valid urdu ligatures here I could also split them based on spaces for understandability) and display them in a 30x30 to 100 x 100 images with step size of 10 like 30x30,40x40,50x50....100x100. I would also be requiring to increase the font size based on the box for readability. How would I do that in MATLAB?

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