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Azzera filtri

how to select threshold on haar wavelet

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
sholai kumar
sholai kumar il 30 Gen 2017
image compression using haar wavelet transform

Risposte (1)

prabhat kumar sharma
prabhat kumar sharma il 26 Lug 2024
Hi Sholai,
MATLAB provides functions like wthresh for thresholding wavelet coefficients. You can use these functions to apply hard or soft thresholding.
You can refer this documentation for further information:
You can refer below code piece:
% Perform Haar wavelet decomposition
[coeffs, sizes] = wavedec2(image, level, 'haar');
% Choose a global threshold value
threshold = 20; % Example value, adjust based on your needs
% Apply soft thresholding
coeffs_thresh = wthresh(coeffs, 's', threshold);
% Reconstruct the image from thresholded coefficients
compressed_image = waverec2(coeffs_thresh, sizes, 'haar');
% Display the compressed image
imshow(compressed_image, []);
I hope it helps!


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