Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

comments line change automatically

40 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
clear all
clear all il 25 Feb 2017
Commentato: clear all il 27 Feb 2017
The code I was given has lots of comments without enter. Comment length is over my laptop monitor size so I have to use horizontal scroll bar.
Is there any clever way to line change and re-align comments not to use horizontal scroll bar?
Thank you.

Risposta accettata

John D'Errico
John D'Errico il 25 Feb 2017
Modificato: John D'Errico il 25 Feb 2017
If you look in the editor preferences, you will see that you can force the editor to wrap comments at some column number, that can be set by you. (The default was 75 columns as I recall.)
So I think the best you can do is to simply add a space, to the end of such a run-on comment line. The editor will then automatically wrap the line. If the line was so long that it would wrap to 5 or 10 lines, you will need to add multiple spaces, since adding one space will simply pull off the first 75 characters from that line. The editor will look for spaces to break the line, so it won't break a long word.
So, while this is not a great solution, I think it is your only option. At least you need only do this once, then save the offending file, with now readable comments.
  1 Commento
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 25 Feb 2017
Modificato: Image Analyst il 25 Feb 2017
Adding a space will not re-do that line's comments. I just tried it. It only does that for new things you type that go beyond the limits in SetPreferences->Editor/Debugger->Language and/or SetPreferences->Editor/Debugger->Display.
Actually it doesn't even seem to do it for new lines in existing buffers in the editor - it seems to do it only for new scripts that you open.

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Più risposte (1)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene il 25 Feb 2017
Does my wraptext function help?
  1 Commento
clear all
clear all il 27 Feb 2017
Thank you so much. It is awesome tool! Thank you.

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