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Does MATLAB work with 4 virtual machines on one computer ?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Ammar il 30 Mar 2017
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
Dear all, Please, I have a question: I installed 4 Virtual Machines (VM) on my computer. And I have a simple program written in MATLAB. I would like to copy this program to each VM in distributed environment and let them work in parallel. My question is: Does MATLAB work and support 4 virtual machines on one computer and let them work in parallel?
Kind regards Ammar

Risposte (1)

Jan il 3 Apr 2017
Modificato: Jan il 3 Apr 2017
Yes. Of course this works. Why shouldn't it? This is not a problem of Matlab, but of the operating system. If you run this on a single core machine, the speed will be low, but this was not the question.
Do you have or need 4 licenses of Matlab?
  1 Commento
Ammar il 3 Apr 2017
Dear Jan, I would like to thank you for this answer. Regarding the license, I have a licence for MATLAB. But I have no idea if I can use it for distributed and parallel execution ? Please, could you help me, how can I know my license works? And how can I do the distributed and parallel environment between the virtual machines ?
Kind regards Ammar

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