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convert from hsi to rgb in matlab with out using hsi2rgb and convert from rgb to hsv in matlab with out using hsi2rgb

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convert from hsi to rgb in matlab with out using hsi2rgb and convert from rgb to hsv in matlab with out using hsi2rgb

Risposte (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 1 Apr 2017
The formulas are here:
  1 Commento
Pushkar Khatri
Pushkar Khatri il 8 Mar 2019
there is hsv to rgb conversion but no formula for hyperspectral image to rgb conversion (hsi2rgb). Can you please provide solution for that too?
Thanks in advance

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DGM il 27 Giu 2023
MATLAB/IPT do not have tools for HSI or HSL. There are multiple submissions on the File Exchange, some of which are only one-way, some of which have bugs. This portion of MIMT includes bidirectional HSI-RGB conversion tools:
If you're trying to create false-color images from hyperspectral data, you can use colorize(). That requires you have IPT and a newer version, and you need to install the Hyperspectral Imaging Library.

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