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Azzera filtri

What does x=val(1,:)?

21 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Massilon Toniolo da Silva
Massilon Toniolo da Silva il 18 Mag 2017
I should use a Nx1 vector of doubles as my input signal x for my function. What do I get if a use: >>load (´My_Signal.m`) and then >>x =val(1,:); ?

Risposta accettata

Torsten il 18 Mag 2017
"x" is set to the first row of "val" (thus "x" is a vector of size 1xN where N is the number of columns of "val")
Best wishes
  1 Commento
Massilon Toniolo da Silva
Massilon Toniolo da Silva il 18 Mag 2017
Hi Torsten, val is a then a variable,right? If so how and where should I declare it? Would it be also possible to use the function´s name together with (1,:)? Example: If the signal is called 'iaf1_afwm.mat' could I use 'iaf1_afwm.mat'(1,:) or something similar? I have tried many ways but it did not function.

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