Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Why is Matlab producing a [1 1] matrix after running a loop?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have the code
N = 20;
omega = linspace(0,1,100);
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
varrho = linspace(0,1,100);
psi = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
[varrhos,psis] = meshgrid(varrho,psi); % create mesh grid
omegas = omega(2)-omega(1);
thetas = theta(2)-theta(1);
Rs = zeros(size(varrhos)); % preallocate the memory
for n=1:length(omega)
for m=1:length(theta)
f = @(rho,theta) sinc(((1/20)*rho-n*omegas)./omegas).*...
Rs = -(10/pi)*Dn(n,m).*(integral2(f,0,1,0,2*pi));
which should produce a 100 x 100 matrix, however, size(Rs) = 1 1.
Note that we calculate Dn via
Dn = zeros(size(omega)); % preallocate the memory
for n = 1:length(omega)
for m = 1:length(theta)
f= @(xx,zz)R(xx,zz).*exp(20*1i*n.*omegas.*...
Dn(n,m) = -exp((10*1i*n.*omegas)./(40*pi)).*integral2(f,0,1,0,1);
phi = @(x)(x>0).*exp(-1./x.^2);
R = @(xx,zz) phi(xx).*phi(1-xx).*phi(zz).*phi(1-zz);
My question is: what am I doing wrong? I run a loop and should get 100 x 100 matrix

Risposta accettata

the cyclist
the cyclist il 16 Lug 2017
Modificato: the cyclist il 16 Lug 2017
I think you want
Rs(n,m) = ...
in place of
Rs = ...
inside the loop.

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