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Image Lookup Table Generation

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Jon Conger
Jon Conger il 2 Set 2017
Commentato: Jon Conger il 2 Set 2017
Is it possible to perform a number of image transform operations on an image and generate a lookup table that maps each original pixel location to its new location? I want to use this LUT output as an input in a different software to mass-process the same pixel reassignment on each frame of streaming video.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 2 Set 2017
Provided the transformations only move entries:
temp_img = reshape(1:numels(YourImage), size(YourImage));
Now do your transformation on temp_img . The result will be an array of linear indices:
mapped_idx = Do_all_the_moving_transformations(temp_idx);
example_mapped_image = YourImage(mapped_idx);
another_mapped_image = YourOtherImage(mapped_idx);
  1 Commento
Jon Conger
Jon Conger il 2 Set 2017
Thanks! This makes sense. I'll give it a try.

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