Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

On looping over drawnow

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Alvin il 4 Ott 2017
Commentato: Alvin il 4 Ott 2017
C1 = 20000;
C2 = linspace(0,26,5500);
k1 = 0.5;
k2 = 5;
n1 = 0;
n2 = 0;
nm = 0;
D = -1;
O = 1;
gam = 0.01;
alph = 0;
for ii=1:length(C2)
w = linspace(-10,10,5500);
k1eff = k1.*(1+C2);
TA = w./(k1eff./2);
TB = w./(gam./2);
Y1 = (-2.*1i.*sqrt(C1))./(sqrt(gam).*((1+C2).*(1-1i.*TA).*(1-1i.*TB)+C1));
Y2 = (-2.*sqrt(C1.*C2))./(sqrt(gam).*((1+C2).*(1-1i.*TA).*(1-1i.*TB)+C1));
Y3 = (2.*(1+C2).*(1-1i.*TA))./(sqrt(gam).*((1+C2).*(1-1i.*TA).*(1-1i.*TB)+C1));
AY1 = abs(Y1).^2;
AY2 = abs(Y2).^2;
AY3 = abs(Y3).^2;
Sbb = 2*pi.*(AY1.*(n1 + 0.5) + AY2.*(n2 + 0.5) + AY3.*(nm + 0.5));
drawnow limitrate
I am trying to plot my Sbb as a function of TB for each step of the loop. Upon executing the code above however I see a curve with two peaks with different heights but the graph isn't changing over time. Much help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Risposta accettata

the cyclist
the cyclist il 4 Ott 2017
Nothing in your for loop depends on the loop variable ii, so why would you expect the plot to change?
  1 Commento
Alvin il 4 Ott 2017
Indeed, I am the silliest. I've managed to fix it. Thank you.

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