Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Remove a subset matrix from another matrix

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Suppose I have a certain matrix A in form
28 77 145 127
29 77 166 877
30 77 176 822
31 77 232 188
28 78 252 611
29 78 222 112
30 78 236 211
31 78 122 122
where the first two columns are lat and lon resp and the next two are data and another matrix B
28 78 252 611
29 78 222 112
I need to condition on the lat and lon and remove matrix B from matrix A. I could do this with for loop, I need to do it without looping if possible

Risposta accettata

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 8 Gen 2018
Try this:
28 77 145 127
29 77 166 877
30 77 176 822
31 77 232 188
28 78 252 611
29 78 222 112
30 78 236 211
31 78 122 122]
28 78 252 611
29 78 222 112]
[ia, ib] = ismember(A, B, 'rows')
A(ia, :) = []

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