Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How to create the Gas deviation-factor chart for natural gases from Standing and Katz

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi, I have a 1x15 sized Ppr vector, a 1x10 Tpr vector and a 15x10 matrix with the values of the compressibility factor Z corresponding to each Pr and Tr. How can I plot such values in the same plot to get a plot like this one :
From < New explicit correlation for the compressibility factor of natural gas: linearized z-factor isotherms>
Can this be done with a for loop ? I intend to use the script to generate a basic user interface for a school project, and the user should be able to change the dimensions of those vectors and by consequence the size of the matrix is dynamic.

Risposta accettata

Are Mjaavatten
Are Mjaavatten il 29 Mar 2018
legends = cell(10,1);
for i = 1:10;
legends{i} = sprintf('Tpr = %3.2f',Tpr(i));
% Or maybe better:
% legend(legends,'location','southeast')

Più risposte (2)

erik.alcala99 il 29 Mar 2018
So many thanks Are Mjaavatten, the solution you provided works perfectly. Now I have to get those values correct...

lili lili
lili lili il 25 Nov 2018
Hello, I am having a problem in my plot, I am not getting those curves in the graphs, I am just getting lines. Can you please suggest me any idea to fix it? Thank you.
  7 Commenti
lili lili
lili lili il 25 Nov 2018
I finally found it, I used spline and plot. thank you so much for your time sir, I really appreciate that ^^
erik.alcala99 il 25 Nov 2018
Modificato: erik.alcala99 il 25 Nov 2018
Thats great, no problem, we are here to help, hapy plotting :)

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