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Im having problem solving this question

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Wei Jun Lee
Wei Jun Lee il 30 Mag 2018
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
x(t) = cos(200*pi*t+pi/4), (Dt=0.0001s, t=0~20 sec, axis([0 0.1 -1.1 1.1]));
1.plot x(t) in time domain and its Fourier Transform (magnitude and phase axis([-110 110 oo oo]).
2.if fs= 500 Hz, plot x(t) in time domain and its Fourier Transform (magnitude and phase axis([-110 110 oo oo]).
3.if fs= 150 Hz, plot x(t) in time domain and its Fourier Transform (magnitude and phase axis([-110 110 oo oo]).
4.if fs= 80 Hz, plot x(t) in time domain and its Fourier Transform (magnitude and phase axis([-110 110 oo oo]).

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