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How to use scatteredInterpolant?

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Emmanouil  Rachoutis
Emmanouil Rachoutis il 10 Giu 2018
Commentato: John D'Errico il 11 Giu 2018
Dear all,
I am trying to make the plot below look better, and since I don't have enough data for that I would like to use the scatterdInterpolant command. However, what I am using so far does not work. Do you have any ideas?
I thank you in advance.
Cheers, Manolis
  3 Commenti
Emmanouil  Rachoutis
Emmanouil Rachoutis il 11 Giu 2018
I have some scattered data points, that's how I created this plot.
John D'Errico
John D'Errico il 11 Giu 2018
Then you already know how to use scatteredInterpolant. Just apparently, not how to use it well, or even if scatteredInterpolant is the correct tool.
Show what you did then. Because the answer is not how to modify the plot AFTER you used scatteredInterpolant, but how to use the tool properly (or the proper tool) to produce a better result.
Thus, since scatteredInterpolant will only provide at best a piecewise linear surface, you may want to use a tool like griddata or my own gridfit. If you attach the data, then I could suggest better tools. But without seeing the data, I am left with suggesting that POSSIBLY, one of those alternatives would be a better choice than the use of tools to resize an array AFTER it has been created.

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KSSV il 11 Giu 2018
Have a look on imresize and/or interp2

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