How do I get the error of a fitting function?

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I've written a function that does a Lorentzian fit on a set of data. I want to calculate an error bar for the accuray of this fit with respect to the x coordinates (the parameter Wavelength). Is this a built in command or is it more difficult?
function [params, Wavelength, Intensity, wavpeak]=SpectrumPeakFitCSV(filename)
Max = max(Intensity);
peak = find(Intensity==Max(1));
wavpeak = Wavelength(peak(1));
opts = optimset('Display','off');
x=lsqcurvefit(fun,[Max(1),1,wavpeak,dark],Wavelength,Intensity,[0.5*Max(1) 0 wavpeak-0.2 0.9*dark],[2*Max(1) 3 wavpeak+0.2 1.5*dark],opts);
params=x; %scale, width, centre, dark

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Star Strider
Star Strider il 14 Gen 2019
If I understand correctly what you want to do, the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox function nlpredci (link) is likely what you are looking for. Use the ‘jacobian’ output (last output) from lsqcurvefit with it.
  5 Commenti
Janna Hinchliff
Janna Hinchliff il 16 Gen 2019
Thanks, nlinfit seems to be a bit easier!
Star Strider
Star Strider il 16 Gen 2019
@Janna Hinchliff — Please see my Comment to your Question.

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