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Azzera filtri

Problem with separating Real and Imaginary parts for fmincon. How to program it correctly?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi all!
I am trying to solve this optimization problem with fmincon:
Where all H are complex matricies, g and Pdes are complex column vectors, D0 and E0 are numbers.
I expect to get complex column vector of g (and in general its slould be complex), So I divided problem in two parts: real and imag, but it does not work, MATLAB returning me a message:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in temp>nonlincon (line 17)
c(1) = norm ( H_d*([g(1)+1i*g(4); g(2)+1i*g(5); g(3)+1i*g(6)]) )^2 - D_0;
Error in temp (line 12)
= fmincon(objective,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],nonlincon);
Where I am wrong?
And in regeneral am I right in writing given problem in the following way:?
% For example:
D_0 = 2*10^(-5)*10^(60/10);
E_0 = 50;
H_b = rand(15,3) + 1i*rand(15,3);
P_des = rand(15,1) + 1i*rand(15,1);
H_d = rand(10,3) + 1i*rand(10,3);
objective = @(g) (norm ( H_b*([g(1)+1i*g(4); g(2)+1i*g(5); g(3)+1i*g(6)]) - P_des ))^2;
x0 = ones(1,3*2)';
options = optimoptions('fmincon','MaxFunctionEvaluations',10e3);
= fmincon(objective,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],nonlincon);
% So I expect to get a column vector g: 1st 3 elements - Real part, next 3 - Imag
function [c,ceq] = nonlincon(g, H_d, E_0, D_0)
c(1) = (norm ( H_d*([g(1)+1i*g(4); g(2)+1i*g(5); g(3)+1i*g(6)]) ))^2 - D_0;
c(2) = (norm ([g(1)+1i*g(4); g(2)+1i*g(5); g(3)+1i*g(6)]))^2 - E_0;
ceq = [];

Risposta accettata

Yurii Iotov
Yurii Iotov il 21 Mag 2019
I forgot to put @ before nonlincon
= fmincon(objective,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],@nonlincon);

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