Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Add a column in a CSV file

10 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Pierre il 5 Giu 2019
Commentato: Pierre il 6 Giu 2019
I would like to create a new column(between the column 4 and 5) with the same number for all rows (number 1 here).
Is it possible to do it with MATLAB and save the new file with the new column?
I think it's not complicated but I'm stuck, I tried with excel also, but it doesn't work as I want. Indeed, I would like to keep the same format (with the comma and not with semicolom)
Thank you for your help.
You can find attached the CSV file.
Many thanks,

Risposta accettata

Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson il 5 Giu 2019
The best way to do this is to read the entire file in with csvread, add your column to the matrix, and then reprint the file with csvwrite.
A = csvread('9Entering_1.csv');
B = randi(10,size(A,2),1);
C = [A(:,1:4),B,A(:,5:end)];
  12 Commenti
Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson il 6 Giu 2019
Are you creating a loop to go through the different numeric values? If so you can just overwrite B with the desired integer.
for i = 2:4 % You need to make the B matrix first before doing this loop
B(:,:) = i;
If you are not looping your values, and just want to create a matrix you can do so by creating an appropriately sized matrix first, then changing the values to whatever integer you want.
B = zeros(size(A,1),1);
B(:,:) = 2;
Pierre il 6 Giu 2019
Thanks, that's perfect.

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