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image callback in app designer

10 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Gordon Edwards
Gordon Edwards il 25 Giu 2019
Commentato: Guillaume il 25 Giu 2019
I have an app with a UIAxes which contains an image with the returned image object im, array). I create a buttondownfcn callback using
im.ButtonDownFcn = @FCN. However, if I create the function FCN(app, event) inside the private or public function area of the app designer I get an error. The only way I seem to be able to get the callback to work is to put function FCN in a separate m. file. Is there another way of creating callback functions in app designer?
  2 Commenti
Guillaume il 25 Giu 2019
I get an error
What is the full text of the error message?
Gordon Edwards
Gordon Edwards il 25 Giu 2019
The error message is when the callback function is a private method is ---
Undefined function 'ImageButtonDownCallBack' for input
arguments of type ''.
Error while evaluating Image ButtonDownFcn.

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Risposte (1)

Guillaume il 25 Giu 2019
You may want to consider using a uiimage instead of an Image inside a uiaxes.
I suspect you've defined the callback incorrectly. Typically the code would be something likle
classdef myapp < matlab.apps.AppBase
% Properties that correspond to app components
properties (Access = public)
UIFigure matlab.ui.Figure
UIAxes matlab.ui.control.UIAxes
%... other controls. You can't edit this directly
%your own properties
properties (Access = private)
myimage; %property to hold the image
methods (Access = private)
function ImageButtonDownCallback(app, source, eventargs)
%... the callback code
%The function that creates the image and enable the callback
function something(app)
app.myimage = imshow(someimage, 'Parent', app.UIAxes); %image creation
app.myimage.ButtonDownFcn = @app.ImageButtonDownCallback; %create callback. IMPORTANT: You must use app.****
  2 Commenti
Gordon Edwards
Gordon Edwards il 25 Giu 2019
Thankyou - that works fine. I hadn't realised that the syntax @app.ImageButtonDownCallback is required.
I use the image function as I am creating one in UIAxes from an array. I find MatLab's nomenclature confusing at times - for example, use of the word 'image' as a function displaying an image from an array and also, in app designer, for an icon.
Guillaume il 25 Giu 2019
Indeed, you have:
  • the image function
  • the image type, returned by image, imshow, imagesc and probably other functions. The full name of that type is actually It's not really well documented. The only doc page is its property page.
  • the app designer image control whose full name is matlab.ui.control.Image. Again, not very well documented. It has a different set of properties and callbacks from the previous image type.

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