Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri


8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Vagelis Kounis
Vagelis Kounis il 4 Apr 2011
Commentato: mariam sleiman il 4 Gen 2019
I have created a .m file that includes a Fourier transformation of a square wave function without the use of the fft or any other matlab expression. Now i want to listen to the created function using wavplay but i can't. It seems that i have to build a matrix but the problem is that i used syms for my variable and therefore my function is symbolic and not a matrix of numbers.. Can anyone help me? I have tried to convert from syms t to t=1:.1:100 but then i get an error that matrix dimensions don't agree.. here is my code:
syms t
for n=1:2:N
axis([0 2*T -1.5 1.5])

Risposte (1)

Jarrod Rivituso
Jarrod Rivituso il 5 Apr 2011
When you switch t to being a vector, you can't store an entire vector into a single basic element y(n). You could do this in a single cell with y{n}, but since you are just summing it later, you could also perform the sum within the loop.
Here is how I'd change your code. Note I made a few other adjustments too, namely a higher sampling frequency and shorter vector.
fs = 8000;
t = 0:1/fs:10;
T = pi;
N = 15;
y = zeros(size(t));
for n = 1:2:N
y = y + (4/pi)*(1/n)*sin(2*pi*n*t/T);
  1 Commento
mariam sleiman
mariam sleiman il 4 Gen 2019
please can usend me wavplay.m function becouse i work ondenoising a speech an need this func.,thank u. regards

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