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Azzera filtri

Using Particle Filter block in simulink

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Daniel Margulis
Daniel Margulis il 6 Ago 2019
Looking through simulink example in particle filter block and would like to clarify several things:
1) when we estimate transfer function parameters below - is plant output equal to state space model measurement? if no, when is measurement function defined? in likelihood function?
$$ y[k] = \frac{20q^{-1}}{1-0.7q^{-1}} u[k] + e[k] $$
% Here $y[k]$ is the plant output, $u[k]$ is the plant input, $e[k]$ is the
% measurement noise, $q^{-1}$ is the time-delay operator so that
% $q^{-1}u[k]=u[t-1]$.
2) how many inputs can be in u? are they equal to state space X or to some parameters?
3) is particle filter block working for other functions and not only for the example?
4) in addition, is there a good tutorial on using filters (including particle filter) in Simulink ?
P.S. Example was taken from

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