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Azzera filtri

Error Index exceeds matrix dimensions

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Lev Mihailov
Lev Mihailov il 20 Ago 2019
Risposto: Jan il 20 Ago 2019
Data 1000x100
for i = 2:length(x)-1
[x ,y] = min(Data(i));
if x(i) < x(i-1)+10 && x(i) < x(i+1)+10
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Hello! I have a matrix, I'm trying to create a loop that I need for a maximum of x values, but it gives me such an error
  1 Commento
Adam il 20 Ago 2019
With breakpoints or pause on errors it is easy to find these things looking on command line.
You shouldn't use length in this situation. size( x, 1 ) is much safer if that is what you mean, although x is undefined at that point in the code snippet you gave us also. Your if statement currently does nothing other than assign something to itself.

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Risposte (1)

Jan il 20 Ago 2019
[x ,y] = min(Data(i));
x is a scalar. Then x(i) cannot work for i > 1.
By the way, as Adam has said alread, x(i)=x(i) does nothing, so the purpose of the code is unclear.



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