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Trouble calculating column mean from a matrix - using different indices for each row

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am trying to calculate a column of means from a 2-D matrix. The length of the mean is equally to the number of rows of the matrix.
However, the index to each row is different. For example, row 1 I want the mean of colums 4 to 8. Row 2 I want the means of columns 3 to 5.
I have tried
Where VariableIndex1 and VariableIndex2 are columns for the start and end indices of the columns I need means from
For the example above this would be:
- but this seems to give a non-sensical result.
Any thoughts or advice on how to do this? The column acutally has 100 000 rows so I don't want to loop through it.

Risposta accettata

Matt J
Matt J il 16 Ott 2019
Modificato: Matt J il 17 Ott 2019
[m,n]=size(myMatrix); %Edited
mask=VariableIndex1(:)<=e & e<=VariableIndex2(:);

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