Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How do I access entries in a table that match a string?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have a table, A, which is 112x5 table in size and consists of both strings and numbers. (shown below)
I also have a 99x1 cell, nameFolds, which is a series of labels for the entries in a that I'm interested in. namefolds is shown below
What I want to do is extract the 'zone' label from A, for all entries matching nameFolds. I tried to start this using boolean expressions but was given an error saying "Undefined operator '==' for input
arguments of type 'cell'".

Risposta accettata

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller il 29 Feb 2020
Modificato: Jeff Miller il 29 Feb 2020
This should work:
wantedRows = ismember(A.ProxID,nameFolds);
wantedZones =;

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