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Unclassified variables in a parfor loop

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
oceanmod il 16 Mar 2020
Commentato: Matt J il 17 Mar 2020
I am trying to do something like the following:
parfor i= xystart:xyend
xycount = i - xystart + 1;
A = zeros(nx,ny); B = A;
for n=1:Nn;
for m=1:Mm;
A(m,n)= <some expression>;
B(m,n)= <some expression>;
C(xycount,:,:) = A. * B;
I am getting an error message saying that 'C' is an unclassified variable. The above snippet is not the actual code which is quite big. But I hope the lines above convey what am I trying to do. Any idea what am I doing wrong?
  1 Commento
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami il 17 Mar 2020
Try initializing variable C before calling the parfor loop.

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Matt J
Matt J il 17 Mar 2020
parfor i= 1:xyend-xystart+1
A = zeros(nx,ny); B = A;
for n=1:Nn;
for m=1:Mm;
A(m,n)= <some expression>;
B(m,n)= <some expression>;
C(i,:,:) = A. * B;
  2 Commenti
oceanmod il 17 Mar 2020
Thanks! Is there a reason why changing the loop index like this fixes the problem?

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