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Azzera filtri

2D plot to 3D Graph

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Nicole Mezher
Nicole Mezher il 3 Apr 2020
Commentato: darova il 3 Apr 2020
Hello, This is my 2D Plot and I can't figure out how to turn the Red curve into a 3D Plot or what the Z coordinate would even be for it. I would really appreciate some help. Here is my code for the red curve:
Receptive_Field = GME(s, sigE) - (0.5*GMI(s, sigI));
plot(s, Receptive_Field, 'r')
function E = GME(s,sigE)
E = exp(-1*(s.^2)/(2*sigE^2));
function I = GMI(s,sigI)
I = exp(-1*(s.^2)/(2*sigI^2));

Risposta accettata

darova il 3 Apr 2020
I made a simple example for you
x = 0:10;
y = sin(x)+2;
t = linspace(0,2*pi,30);
[T,Y] = meshgrid(t,y);
[~,X] = meshgrid(t,x);
[Z,Y] = pol2cart(T,Y);
axis vis3d
Is this what are you looking for?
  6 Commenti
Nicole Mezher
Nicole Mezher il 3 Apr 2020
darova il 3 Apr 2020
Maybe another way. Here is my first script

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