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How plot step/lsim in an uifigure in app designer?

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I'm using APP Designer to plot a step response in a uiaxes or uifigure and I'm having this error:
"Error using DynamicSystem/stepplot (line 107)
Functionality not supported with figures created with the uifigure function. For more information, see Graphics Support in App Designer."
Can you help me?

Risposta accettata

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza il 14 Apr 2020
See the attached app for an example.
  5 Commenti
Abdelrahman Hosny
Abdelrahman Hosny il 31 Mag 2020
carlos i wanna help from could you help me with some problems in my project which like your's too much and i will be very glad to you

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