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Can I compile code for Windows machines on a Mac using Boot Camp to run Windows flavored MatLab?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Is it possibly to compile MatLab code for Windows machines on a Macintosh by running MatLab under Windows 7 on Mountain Lion with Boot Camp or Parallels? I then want to run the compiled code on other standard Windows machines.

Risposte (2)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser il 26 Ott 2012
There are several products that do "code generation" in some way. You may want to specify. In case you talk about creating exectables with MATLAB Compiler, you need to install the necessary products also on the other machine and create everything you need there. Many professional license types allows you to do that at no extra cost.
  2 Commenti
Joan il 26 Ott 2012
Yes, Andreas, you are correct. We want to create exectutables on one machine, coding with MatLab and using the MatLab compiler, and then deploy those executables on other machines. We have a mixed Mac/Win environment in our lab, with just a few licenses (and just a few of us write code). But we want others in the group to be able to run the executables, which is why we purchased the compiler. So the question is - is there a way to use the Mac hardware to make executables that will run on the Windows machines? The thought was that it might be possible to run MatLab/MatLab compiler in the Windows environment on the Mac hardware. Our license with MathWorks is the academic license. We don't want to purchase licenses for the dozen or so computers in the lab, when only a few of us write code.

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Jason Ross
Jason Ross il 26 Ott 2012
I can't speak directly to any licensing issues.
When you are running Windows either in a VM or in a dual-boot setup you are running Windows. The Mac runs PC hardware, so I don't see how compiling running Windows on PC hardware and compiling on PC hardware would be a problem for making executables to run on Windows.
I will say from my experience that virtualization can add some significant overhead, and if your compile takes a significant amount of resources to complete, it's likely to be much quicker running on the "bare metal" using BootCamp rather than through a VM using Parallels.


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