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Azzera filtri

building a 3D matrix

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Qian il 30 Ott 2012
Commentato: Gowthami Odeti il 9 Nov 2017
I understand how the following works, x=[a b; c d]; x(:,:,2)=x; which will give x as 3-D matrix. However, i'm writing a code for which i need x to be updated each time. for example, for i=1:2; for j=1:3; x(:,j)=[i+j+1;j*2 ]; end x(:,:,i)=x end
In this case, I want to have a result of 2*3*2 matrix, x(:,:,1) =
3 4 5
2 4 6
x(:,:,2) =
4 5 6
2 4 6
However, it turns out I only get
x(:,:,1) =
4 5 6
2 4 6
x(:,:,2) =
4 5 6
2 4 6
I know the problem is the x(:,:,i)=x line as x gets updated and renewed for each loop and covered by the new data again.
But I couldn't assign new name for building this matrix.
Can anyone help

Risposta accettata

Thomas il 30 Ott 2012
Modificato: Thomas il 30 Ott 2012
All you need to do is
for i=1:2;
for j=1:3;
x(:,j,i)=[i+j+1;j*2 ]; % add the 3rd dimension i
P.S. It is good idea to refrain from using i & j as variable names since they are the complex function in MATLAB
  2 Commenti
Qian il 30 Ott 2012
thank you so much. That's what i've missed.
Gowthami Odeti
Gowthami Odeti il 9 Nov 2017
Thank you so much, works awesome!

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