Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri


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extract especific part of a cell

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hamed Jalali
Hamed Jalali il 10 Mag 2020
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
I have a 1*10 cell data, say my_cell. Also I have a new index set ind=[2,4,5]. I only need these elements of my_cell, i.e. my_cell{2}, my_cell{4}, my_cell{5}, and save them in a new 1*3 cell, my_cell_new. I used my_cell{ind}, but it returns a different data type (an structure). How can I extract this indices of my_cell with out using for loop?
  2 Commenti
BN il 10 Mag 2020
Modificato: BN il 10 Mag 2020
Did you tried:
NewAnswer = my_cell(ind);
Hamed Jalali
Hamed Jalali il 10 Mag 2020
Thanks. It works. I tried before
NewAnswer = my_cell{ind};
which leads to an incorrect result.

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