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put a struct element in a table?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Budding MATLAB Jockey
Budding MATLAB Jockey il 24 Mag 2020
Hi there I am making a table as a summary/record of my data im working on.
I also have struct arrays for each data point, that I would like to log to my table.
Is it possible to send a portion of my existing struct array to a single element of my table? I can't figure this out.
The struct array is also of varying size on each data point (which is why I just want to put the whole thing in the table)
For example I would want my table to be something like:
Name1 Name2 Emails Company
abc xyz Nx1 Struct CharArrayFromStruct
I attached an example data point I am working with. Where I would want to save
Name1 Name2 Emails Company
abc xyz
where is an Nx1 struct and is always 1 char array

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