Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

if this AND that then...

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Brett il 28 Nov 2012
How do I say something like if value1 = 1 and value2 = 1 then... I'm trying to say that is something is a color and there is an arrow in a particular location then it will change the WaitSecs(value). This is what I have so far, but I'm not sure if that is saying what I intend it to.
if colour1 = c1
if tri1 = downtri
(keyCode(1,100)) == 1; %left
Screen('FillRect',window,[0 0 0])
Thanks, you guys make my life WAY easier.
  1 Commento
Jan il 28 Nov 2012
Modificato: Jan il 30 Nov 2012
(keyCode(1,100)) == 1; This is a comparison between the 100th element of a vector and 1. The output of the result is suppressed. Not really useful.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 28 Nov 2012
if colour1 == c1 && tri1 == downtri
(keyCode(1,100)) == 1; %left
Screen('FillRect',window,[0 0 0])
  4 Commenti
Brett il 30 Nov 2012
I changed it into scalar values, now it works. :)
if q1tri == 1 && q1col == 1 && keyCode(1,98) == 1 %down
Screen('FillRect',window,[0 0 0])
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 30 Nov 2012
OK great - go ahead and mark this question as "Answered" then.

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