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Azzera filtri

How to give input from matlab (mfile) to simulink model

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi everyone! I am using simulink model in mfile. The model requires an input, I know about the commands sim and simset. Can anyone guide me the syntax to give input. The piece of code which I am using is:
clear all
close all
Kp=18; %system parameters
Ki=12; %system parameters
Kd=54; %system parameters
myinput=10 %input to my model

Risposta accettata

Muruganandham Subramanian
you can do this by creating variable 'myinput' as constant block in simulink model
  1 Commento
TAB il 4 Dic 2012
Take a Constant block in model and put myinput in Value field. Constant block will read the variable myinput from base workspace.

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