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How to change matrix dimensions?

10 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Rens il 6 Dic 2012
I have a question regarding a 3D matrix with portfolio returns.
I have a 10000x35x12, which is 10000 simulated return paths for 35 years and 12 months in each year. Now I want to make this a 2D matrix with dimensions 10000x420 (35x12) such that the 420 months of return are in the right order. Can somebody help me with that?
Thanks in advance!

Risposte (4)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov il 6 Dic 2012
M - your 3D array with size < 10000,35,12 >
out = reshape(permute(M, [1 3 2]),size(M,1),[]);

Muruganandham Subramanian
try this:
b=reshape(a,[1000 420]);

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek il 6 Dic 2012

Rens il 6 Dic 2012
Thanks guys! Appreciate it! All the different codes give the same return matrix so it should be alright!

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