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A negative input value for integrator gives a positive output

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have a simulink continuous integrator block with a lower limit output saturation at zero.
It takes a negative input and produces a positive output.
What am I missing here?
  4 Commenti
stozaki il 4 Ago 2020
Hello Maarten,
I thought the following :
N_CH3OH does not become less than "0" because the saturation lower limit setting value is 0.
If you set the saturation lower limit setting value to a negative value, you can obtain a negative value in N_CH3OH.
Jonas il 4 Ago 2020
The problem is not that N_CH30H does not go lower than zero really, the issue is more why it is RISING although the input is negative. I would expect that with a negative input, the output should just be saturated to zero.
Can you experiment with the saturation value? Does it work without the saturation to zero? What is you saturate to -eps for example?

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