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Azzera filtri

how to solve the following problem using optimization toolbox?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have this estimation problem where I use maximum likelhood estimation to solve it where the problem has pdf of:
both are normal distributions (I want to estimate m1, ux,uy,o_x,o_y) using optimisation toolbox
I used fmincon since I am trying to limit the range of possible values (impost constraints on the values of m1, ux,uy,o_x,o_y)
I used a for loop for the main program.
problem.objective = @(y)norm_likelhood_fun(y,z); %%%%z is the data and y is a vector representing vector of values to be estimated
for j=1:100
% problem.x0=(;
problem.x0 = rand(5,1);
%y = run(gs,problem);
In each loop iteration, different initial values are used to search for minumum( I know the optimiser is sensitive to initial values). My question is how can I reach the convergence (different initial values lead to the same solution). What is the best algorithm suited for this problem?. How can I visualize the data with optimisation problem I have (contour lines)?
  4 Commenti
Muna Tageldin
Muna Tageldin il 23 Set 2020
whats the best way to visualise the optimisation problem (local and global minumum)?
Mario Malic
Mario Malic il 23 Set 2020
I don't think it's possible, it's 5D problem. Do you really need 10^-30 on TolX and TolFun?
Issue with your options are, that your MaxIter, TolFun and TolX are from optimset, but you use optimoptions. I don't know what values you get in fval (rename from feval, as feval is a function), so try these options.
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','iter-detailed','Algorithm','sqp','MaxIterations',10000, ...
'StepTolerance',10^-10,'TolFun',10^-10,'OptimalityTolerance',1e-12, 'Plotfcn', @optimplotfval);

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