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Database toolbox: username and password problem

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I need the database toolbox to run queries in Access using matlab: I tried:\ 1. querybuilder (the visual query builder shows up)then: 2. I double clicked "MS access database" . A window with a :username and password shows up although none of my Access databases is password protected I tried everything (including empty username and password " to proceed without success. Any help is greatly appreciated

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Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta il 25 Apr 2011
Have you set up an ODBC datasource for your Access database?
Also, it is possible that the MS Access database password might be the same as your Windows machine username/password.
  1 Commento
vinh il 24 Mag 2011
Do you have any different way to set up Data Sources by function, not use the Visual Query Builder.

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Più risposte (1)

vinh il 24 Mag 2011
I have connected to my .mdb, but I could not set up password for it. So I had to set up the password manually in the .mdb file.
Annyone can help me to set up the password through .m file.
Thanks in advance.

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