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Change Simulink block colors (Display, MATLAB Function)

21 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I know that it is possible to change both the Background Color and the Foreground Color of Simulink blocks. However, for some block types, such as the Display block and the MATLAB Function block, I was not able to change the displayed string color, that always remains black. Is there a way to change those colors as well?
  4 Commenti
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind il 5 Feb 2013
Andrea: I don't think what you're asking for is currently possible, but you may want to check with MathWorks Tech Support and put in an enhancement request if the functionality doesn't exist already.
Andrea Gallivanoni
Andrea Gallivanoni il 6 Feb 2013
Thanks Kaustubha for your answer. Up until Simulink's previous version it was possible, at least for the Display block: changing the foreground color changed the color of the displayed value as well. No such luck for the MATLAB Function block though. Anyway, I'll contact Mathworks tech support on this.

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Risposte (1)

Ryan G
Ryan G il 5 Feb 2013
You could probably work something out with this custom display on the file exchange along with (<> text2im> Convert the string to an image and perform something like IMSHOW on the block mask.


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