Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Combining 5 images from a camera and add them together to yield one image.

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello I am using the image aquistion toolbox to obtain images froma a camera.
I am set up the capture 5 frames, and I obtain them by
frame=getdata(vid,5); %Just get n frames #
Here are the outputs of size(frame) and class are:
ans =
1824 2736 1 5
ans =
The size returns height, width, colourbands, frames
whats the best way to create a composite image where all the images are just added together
I have this but I was hoping fior a faster way:
for i=1:5

Risposta accettata

Srivardhan Gadila
Srivardhan Gadila il 30 Ott 2020
You can refer to the documentation of sum function and use the following syntax S = sum(A,dim).
frame = rand(1824,2736,1,5);
frames = sum(frame,4);
The following also may help you depending on the rest of your code: gpuArray, Vectorization.

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