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How to make this code in loop - Image processing

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
YEMY il 2 Nov 2020
Commentato: YEMY il 3 Nov 2020
Hello, I have to process in loop many drone images.
I succeeded to get a script that works, but I could not make it work in loop to process the whole images in the folder.
I need to save the mask 2 as a JPG image after each loop. For opening multiple images in one folder, that I know how to do it. for the rest I don't know how to make a loop.
close all, clear all
cd 'D:\TEST\1-1000_0.35ms_200625\';
im = imread('DJI_0204.jpg');
lab = rgb2lab(im);
ab = lab(:,:,2:3);
ab = im2single(ab);
nColors = 2;
% repeat the clustering 3 times to avoid local minima
pixel_labels = imsegkmeans(ab,nColors,'NumAttempts',2);
mask1 = pixel_labels==1;
cluster1 = im .* uint8(mask1);
title('Objects in Cluster 1');
mask2 = pixel_labels==2;
cluster2 = im .* uint8(mask2);
title('Objects in Cluster 2');
imwrite(cluster2, 'mask_test1.jpg')

Risposte (1)

Sudhakar Shinde
Sudhakar Shinde il 3 Nov 2020
Loop to read images:
my_folder =pwd; %Folder path where images are present
Image = {};
for n = 1:numel(filenames)
Image{end+1} = imread(fullname);
%Use your code here from converting to lab colors
% ...
You can use your code in above for loop .
  1 Commento
YEMY il 3 Nov 2020
I didn't have problems with importing files. I had issues with making for loops to automate the processing. By the way I think I managed to do it after several tries. Thank you anyway.

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