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Create a multiclass SVM classification with templateSVM and a custom kernel

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
hi to everybody,
I would like to build a multiclass SVM classificator (20 different classes) using templateSVM() and chi_squared kernel, but I don't know how to define the custom kernel: I tryin the folowing way:
function gram = compute_gram_matrix(U,V)
[sample_U,~] = size(U);
[sample_V,~] = size(V);
gram = zeros(sample_U,sample_V);
for r=1:sample_U
for t =r:sample_V
temp = chi_squared_kernel(U(r,:),V(t,:));
gram(r,t) = temp;
gram(t,r) = temp;
% calcolo la media
mean = 0;
for i=1:size(gram,1)
for j=1:size(gram,2)
if i <= j
mean = mean + gram(i,j);
mean = mean / ((sample_U^2 + sample_U)/2);
gram = exp(-gram/mean);
function value = chi_squared_kernel(hist_1,hist_2)
value = 0;
k = size(hist_1,1);
for i=1:k
if hist_1(i)==0 && hist_2(i)==0
value = value + (hist_1(i) - hist_2(i))^2 / (hist_1(i) + hist_2(i));
value = 0.5 * value;
but it says that the kernel is not of the correct type: How can I do to solve this problem?

Risposte (1)

Shashank Gupta
Shashank Gupta il 18 Nov 2020
Hi Alberto,
I just took your gram matrix and able to define it properly, can you elaborate what you all did? Just for the reference I will attach a piece of code which I used and it worked.
% take some data.
load fisheriris
% define SVM
t = templateSVM('KernelFunction','compute_gram_matrix');
% Specify template t to binary leaner.
Mdl = fitcecoc(meas,species,'Learners',t);
I took your "compute_gram_matrix" function and able to execute it properly without fail. Check out this and let me know if it make sense.
  1 Commento
Alberto Presta
Alberto Presta il 18 Nov 2020
Modificato: Alberto Presta il 18 Nov 2020
thanks for your time.
I am very new with Matlab. I want to buid a multiclass svm classificator with custom kernel (I have 20 different species to classify).
1-I extract dense descriptors (Dense sift descriptors) foe each image and group all toghether with bag of visual words tech (300 words).
2. I extract histograms of bag of visual words and I want to use them to fit my chi-sqaured kernel svm model.
I attached main code here:
extractor = @phowFeatures; % function which exracts dense descriptors
bag = bagOfFeatures(trainingSet, 'CustomExtractor',extractor,'VocabularySize',300);
[trainingSet, validationSet] = splitEachLabel(imds, 0.70, 'randomize');
opts = templateSVM('KernelFunction', 'compute_gram_matrix', 'BoxConstraint', SVM_C, 'kernelScale', SVM_RBF_Gamma);
classifier = trainImageCategoryClassifier(trainingSet, bag, 'LearnerOptions', opts);
My question is : can I use fitcecoc also for multiclass svm?

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