Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Remove zeros from matrix

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
dav il 25 Feb 2013
Please help me trim the zeros off the top the the X matrix.
function Beta = nnARMAParam(y, p, q, C, sigma) if nargin < 4 C = 0; end if nargin < 5 sigma = 1; end
y = y(:); N = length(y);
e = sigma * randn(N, 1);
Y = y - e;
% By = y(1:end-1) y(1:end-2) ... y(:, end-p) By = arrayfun(@(j) [zeros(j,1); y(1:end-j)], 1:p, 'UniformOutput' , false); By = [By{:}]; Be = arrayfun(@(j) [zeros(j,1); e(1:end-j)], 1:q, 'UniformOutput' , false); Be = [Be{:}];
if C == 0 cvec = []; else cvec = ones(N,1); end
X = [cvec By Be];
Beta = Y\X; % replace with nnls end

Risposta accettata

Matt J
Matt J il 25 Feb 2013
idx = find(any(X,2),1);

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