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Azzera filtri

I got the system phase 360 led by using d2c ??

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Saka Toshi
Saka Toshi il 20 Nov 2020
Commentato: Mathieu NOE il 20 Nov 2020
I want a continuous system from a discrete system below.
Pd=tf([0.00320391 0.0292170],[1 -1.55077 0.664572],0.18)
but I get the continuous system (=d2c(Pd)) below.
why I get the system phase 360 led??
  1 Commento
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 20 Nov 2020
the two phase curves are shifted by 360° which is equal to 0° in fact
a transefr function with phase phi or phi+360° is the same
you can always retrieve 360° from the second plot if you want to overlay the two bode plots

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